The Payment Record

A Payment Record is created whenever a payment is received for an order or invoice with a balance due. A record number is automatically generated for the payment and appears at the top of the record. Below this, the application large logo appears as well as the application address, phone, and email.

There are several sections on the Payment Record:

  • Paid By: The record number of the purchaser, their name and title, and the name of the batch the payment is in.

  • Payment Information: This section shows the detailed information about the payment, including,

    • Payment Method: The payment type, whether that's check, cash, Visa, etc. In the case of card transactions, the last four digits appear here.

    • Amount: The amount of the payment. This also displays the symbol of the currency used.

    • Print Date: The date that will appear when the Print button is used to print off the Payment Record.

    • Transaction Date: The actual date of the payment, which could be different from the print date.

    • Created By: The user who entered the payment. This could be the customer themselves, a party related to the customer, or a staff member.

    • Merchant Name (electronic transactions only): The name of the credit card merchant used for the credit card transaction.

    • Reference Number (electronic transactions only): The reference number of the electronic transaction; also visible in the credit card merchant.

    • More Payment Information (APG clients only): Clicking this link instantly displays detail from APG on the Payment Record on credit cards and ACH payments, including settlement information and card history information. This feature prevents the user from needing to navigate away from re:Members AMS to access this data.

  • Invoice(s): This table lists all invoices being paid by the submitted payment and displays the number, main item purchased, total, balance, created on and canceled on dates for the invoice. Click View to open an invoice and examine it in more detail.

  • Credit(s): This table appears only if part of the payment was returned or refunded and a Credit Record was created.

  • Action Buttons: These buttons are located at the bottom of the Payment Record. Certain buttons will appear only in certain circumstances / configurations.

    • Send Confirmation Email: Clicking this option allows the user to send a payment confirmation summary to email addresses they specify.

      Image of an example payment confirmation email.

    • Print: Loads a summary report of the Payment Record, suitable for printing.

    • Return: If the Payment Record has funds which can be returned or refunded, click here to begin the return payment process.

    • Approve / Capture: Used only for payments associated with products requiring staff approval. Click Approve (in the case of non-credit card payments) or Capture (in the case of credit card payments) to approve the payment.

  • (Optional) Change History

Payments Pending Approval

It's possible for re:Members AMS memberships and certifications to be configured to require staff approval of the purchase before customers can receive the benefits of their purchase. If your system is configured to require staff approval on certain purchases, you may notice the message "Pending Approval" at the top of certain Payment Records. This simply means that staff approval is still required for these purchases.

For more on this configuration, see Requiring Staff Payment Approval.